About the reviewers

About Maya. 

I’m a book fiend who loves to read, browse, buy, and collect books. I listen to book and author podcasts, as well as read and write book reviews professionally (and for fun).

I share my personal and some professional book reviews in this blog. I may rave about titles that I really enjoy, but I won’t ruthlessly pan any books. I will say why I didn’t like a book, but it that doesn’t mean you won’t like it. We are all different (thankfully) and our experiences and opinions vary. I read a diverse range of genres, and really can’t pin down any one title, or even a genre that is my favourite because, like my friends, each book has elements that are unique to them. While I read many popular titles, I try to find more eclectic ones that aren’t always on all the mainstream lists. I also look for titles by Asian authors.

When I’m not reading, I’m usually writing. You can find out more about my writing life and books by clicking on the following links:


Finding Ching Ha

If You Give a Mum a Minute


About George

I am a cantankerous, (think grumpy unicorn) old man that has decorated wedding cakes, catered for submariners, spun blood, and now recommends books and “shows the way” in art classes. I’m a self proclaimed yog-eezer (but haven’t practiced lately), and have Santa issues (as in I look like Santa). Although I tend to re-read favorite titles year after year, thanks to my involvement in monthly library book discussions and book boxes, I’m finally branching out and reading new authors. While I read a variety of genres, I particularly enjoy Fantasy, YA and Sci-Fi.

This blog is updated weekly with our latest reads, so please keep checking back for new reviews. We hope you find something that tickles your fancy and inspires you to read.

Please share your thoughts, questions, comparable book titles and other feedback in the comments section of each post. 

Happy perusing!


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