Recipe for a Perfect Wife by Karma Brown

Far from the modern wife . . .  or is it?
“ . . . the hardest question we have to ask ourselves in this life is, “Who am I?” Ideally, we answer it for ourselves, but be warned that others will strive to do it for you – so don’t let them.”
~ Karma Brown, Recipe for a Perfect Wife.

Two timelines for two wives. One is Nellie Murdoch, the “perfect” 1950s “housewife”, and the other is Alice Hale, a “modern” woman. When Alice and her fiancee buy and move into Nellie’s old house, she discovers Nellie’s recipe book stuffed with handwritten notes and recipes. As Alice reads the book and learns more about Nellie, she discovers just how different (or similar) their lives are.

This eye-opening comparison between the lives of the 1950s and modern homemaker showed just how much life has changed (or hasn’t changed) for the modern woman. The dual narrative quickly immerses the reader in the mindset of the two women. Although somewhat predictable, the themes of self-discovery and transformation are engaging. 

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The Perfect Wife by JP Delaney

One Charmed Christmas by Sheila Roberts